1997-2007 -ing

Living in a neighborhood full of street smart kids,
Standing around casually, always up to no good.
Making mud pies and climbing trees,
Canon-balling into a pool on a hot midsummer's day.
Filling up water guns and
Running around like mad cows.
Speaking of cows,
Collecting figurines of favorite animals.
Walking down the street singing, 
"I don't wanna be a player no more." 
Not knowing what those lyrics truly mean. 
Smelling funky odors from El Cap middle school's restrooms, 
Realizing that smell isn't a skunk.
Putting rubber bands around the ankles of baggy jeans.
Showing off new high tops; White tees and some Nikes. 
Attending the baby shower of teen parents - two of our neighbors' kids now
Celebrating an unplanned child of their own.
Instant-messaging on AIM, 
Thinking of witty Away Messages.  
Walking on to high school grounds, conscious of body and grades and new found interest in crushes. 
Slow dancing at Winter Formal, 
Wearing a dress cut too low, with a boy who is not enticing. 
Cruising down the freeway, 
Playing Bobby Valentino, "Slow down, I just want to get to know ya." 
Going in circles around the same block with girlfriends, 
Over and over and over.
Checking emails anxiously, 
Awaiting news of college acceptance, wondering what's next.
Studying abroad, 
Expanding the notion of life outside of a protective bubble.
Creating a new social media profile after graduating, 
Exciting use of an .edu account. 
Reading the final Harry Potter book and
Crying while saying goodbye to a childhood friend. 
Shopping for dorm room supplies,
Getting closer to independence. 
Arriving at university, fresh faced and nervous, 
Starting brand new. 


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