Gassing Y'all Up

Let me be that motivational voice in your head for a second. It's Monday, it's gloomy outside, the weekend is over, you got 48039722 things to do..but I want you to forget about all those problems and GO GET SHIT DONE! Life is too damn short to dwell on the small stuff and forget to LIVE. Take a moment this week to go out and do whatever it is that makes your soul dance. Put on some bomb ass music and let that shit move you. Move your hips to the beat and sing along all loud and obnoxious. Feel it!!!! Call the people that bring a smile to your face, tell them how dope they are. All the unnecessary bullshit is for the birds. Make unforgettable memories. Relive those epic moments that still make you catch your breath.

Next time you stress over something unimportant, stop yourself! What are you worried about? You are ALIVE aren't you? If you are healthy and able and have basic necessities, please take a moment of reflection to be GRATEFUL. All those crazy ass dreams you have are right there at the tip of your fingers- leap out, go on and make them your reality! It is easier said than done, but every moment you have an opportunity to convince your thoughts to go in a positive direction. If you can make that happen, you WILL make your dreams a reality..or at least you will be living a happier life.

You have every ounce of potential you need to be successful and most importantly to be fulfilled. You are loved and supported by your crew. Keep loving your crew, they are the ones who will be there through thick and thin. And can we all stop for a second and recognize our privileges? Even if you are having a shit show day, I guarantee there is something, even if it is minuscule, that you can be thankful for. We have ALL had our bad days. If you are still standing, that means you made it through and I bet you are stronger because of it. 

No one can hold you back, other than your damn self. Never EVER settle for less than you want and deserve. In fact, expand your wants to encompass the impossible and make that shit possible. Keep pushing until you are living as your best self. Once you actualize your goals, give yourself some self-love - you motherfuxkin made it! And once you soak up that top of the world feeling, get back on your grind and set your eyes on the next best version of you! 

(Inspired by French Montana ft. Swae Lee "Unforgettable" and how the music made me feel! Also, I had to Urban Dictionary the phrase "gassing up" and if you don't know it, I encourage you to Google it & then go gass your favorite person up.) 


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